Shipping Policy

All Products on are delivered to all over India. Our Package Delivery is done through Pickrr and Delhivery. Carrier Selection will depend on your delivery location


We serve all pincodes in Indian

Please note, Express Delivery Speed is applicable on certain products & available to certain pincodes only. In case you have selected expedited delivery method & your pincode/product doesn't supports expedited delivery option we will refund back your additional expedited delivery charges in that case.


  1. Business Days doesn't include Saturdays/Sundays or National Holidays
  2. n case we aren't able to deliver your product within promised delivery timeline due to some unavoidable events, we will refund back your expedited delivery charges (if any) back to your original payment method. This is the maximum liability with us in case of deficiency of service.
  3. Due to extraordinary circumstances or any other possible reason your order can be cancelled by without providing any reason whatsoever, under such cases you will get a complete refund of your order.

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